Tracking Plan Management
Managing members and roles


Expand your Avo team and manage your members access by opening the workspace settings modal from the settings wheel located next to your workspace name:

Accessing workspace settings


You can assign roles when inviting new users as well as for existing users, excluding yourself.


Members with the Admin role can change your workspace name, publish integrations, edit other members roles, invite new members and manage service accounts. Admins can access the Audit Log, Billing page and all workspace settings. If the protected main branch config is active, Admins can override merging a branch without approval.


Members with the Editor role can:

  • Make changes to your workspace like adding events and properties, changing property values and opening new branches.
  • Pull code generated Avo Codegen using the Avo CLI.
  • View other members but can not change their roles or add new ones.
  • View service accounts but can not delete them or add new ones.
  • Edit the tracking plan audit rules.
  • Not change your workspace name.

On the Team and Enterprise plans you can limit editor edits to just branches, requiring peer approval before the changes are merged to main:

The protected main branch toggle


Members with the Viewer role can access your workspace and comment, but cannot make any modifications and can not access workspace settings including the members and settings modal, audit log or billing page. Additionally, Viewer users don't have access to pull Avo Codegen with the Avo CLI. Assign the Viewer role to a member when you want to allow them to view your tracking plan but don't want them to be able to make changes. All new plans can add an unlimited amount of Viewer users.

Billing Only

Members with a Billing Only role can only access the Billing page of the workspace. They can update payment methods and sign up for new subscriptions.

Legacy Roles

View Only (Legacy)

Members with the View Only role can access your workspace but cannot make any modifications and can not access workspace settings including the members and settings modal, audit log or billing page. Additionally, View Only users don't have access to pull Avo Codegen with the Avo CLI. Assign the View Only role to a member when you want to allow them to view your tracking plan but don't want them to be able to make changes. All new plans can add an unlimited amount of View Only users.

Comment Only (Legacy)

Members with a Comment Only role have the same limitations as the View Only role but can comment on events, properties, branches and more. The Comment Only role is available on plans with extended collaboration, see more (opens in a new tab).

What's next?

Now when you when you have your team in Avo it's time to learn how to collaborate.